Wonders of Signs
How can this Birthday Report possibly tell me anything about me?

A simple meaning of the word Astrology is the study of movements of planets and there effects on people. Questions of Astronomy and Astrology are questions some of our visitors have asked us about. Astronomers can choose any date into the future and tell us where the sun, moon, or any planet will be located in the sky on a certain date, up to the exact minute and second. For instance, astronomers can tell us when and where there will be an event of an eclipse of the moon or an eclipse of the sun. They can also tell us which countries will be able to view that event, on that certain date, sometime into the future.
Astrologers are able to calculate that very same information. The difference is that astrologers are able to determine the definition and meaning of the positions of those planets as they relate to people. An astrologer can tell you about situations, feelings, thoughts, emotions and aspects of your life that have a better chance of taking place for the year, because of the movement and positions of planets in space and there location. Our birthday reports are calculated by many factors: The Time and Location of your birthday is a key factor needed in order to determine an accurate Personalized Birthday Solar Return Report.
Can Wonders of Signs Birthday Report tell me about things related to my future?

All planets, sun, moon and stars affect us in many ways. Here is an example.
We have accepted that earth affects us in many ways. We have also accepted that the Sun and Moon affect us in many ways. The sun helps us with nourishment and it also helps us sustain life. A full moon for example can bring on many feelings and emotions for any individual. We can react to normal everyday situations in various emotional manners during a full moon. Animals are affected, nature is affected, tides of natural bodies of water are all affected. Yet the moon has never reached out towards earth to physically change anything on earth, like a real live person could. The moon is serving a special purpose here on earth and many people feel those effects.
All of the remaining planets in the sky have a way of affecting us and they also have various meanings and definitions as to how they interact or relate to us, as they move into certain areas of the sky; just like the sun and the moon.
For some, this is an introduction to astrology, for others, you are here possibly because your life lead you here.
Yes, our Personalized Birthday Solar Return Report contains accurate calculated meanings and definitions of the planets, sun, and moon as they relate to you on a personal basis for your next birthday. You may also order your current Birthday Solar Return. Maybe you just had a birthday some time ago and want your current Birthday Solar Return Report. Which is an option of your choice. You may want both current and future Birthday Solar Return Reports. The information and presentation of our Personalized Birthday Solar Return Reports can be very informative, exciting, fun, and definitely unique.
Our Birthday Solar Return Reports are not free. They offer so much information, detail, and assistance to your life throughout the year, all in one full report.
Solar Return Reports that you may find online from other websites offer a little information about you. These reports are not full reports. The reports that are sold as full reports on other websites may calculate the sun’s time of return, a graph of the planets locations, and your birth chart. A birth chart can be calculated online for free.
Wonders of Signs Personalized Birthday Solar Return Reports can assist you throughout your entire year.
Please view the features of our unique Birthday Solar Return Report by clicking the link below.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have already purchased a Birthday Report and who have also returned to our site to review your Birthday Report. Thank You, Thank You and Thank You. Your reviews are encouraging and motivating. We appreciate your business.
We have streamlined the website experience to allow for straight forward descriptions of each product, for fast and easy checkout. (No pop ups, all pages load smoothly when using electronic devices, as well as mobile phones and computers.)
We are continually updating our website in regards to meeting the constantly growing needs of our amazing customers. We do not offer a newsletter and we do not send automatic email reminder messages. We just create accurate reports.
We understand that all of our visitors realize when their very own birthday will occur. So there is no need for us to send an email notification to serve as a reminder to purchase our products throughout the year. Wonders of Signs happens to be a no pressure website. For example, we do not use timers at checkout to motivate our visitors to hurry and buy our reports. We do not try to convince you to buy our products. We want to share this valuable information with the world. We hope that you are able to gain this valuable information in your life. We do hope you purchase a report and see for yourself what it is like to have an abundance of information about yourself. An accurate solar return report can be informative to say the least. The very first time I ever read about a solar return; I was very surprised. The very first time I experienced a solar return, I was amazed. I am still amazed as to how certain issues and situation in real life play out on paper while utilizing a Birthday Solar Return Report.
All of our visitors are unique. You are amazing. Purchase your very own Personalized Birthday Solar Return Report from Wonders of Signs today!
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