What is a Solar Return?
New Age & New Decade
There are many definitions found on various websites that define the term Solar Return. For the most part, those sites define the term as the following.
“A Solar Return is when the sun returns to the exact same area of the sky, where it was, when you were born.”
A Solar Return has more to it than just that definition. I will give an example describing how a Solar Return works. Before the example, there is information that can help you understand the wonders of our signs.
The Solar Sun and Us section introduces you to things that have something to do with you and your birthday. Feel free to share this page. Please remember, that not every person that you share this page with, will agree with the content.
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The Solar Sun And Us
A zodiac constellation better known as a sign, is an area of space in our galaxy. There are 12 signs. The sun travels around those 12 signs every year. Every time the sun enters a new sign it starts at 0 degrees then goes to 1 degree, then 2 degrees, then 3 degrees, then eventually it reaches to 30 degrees, and then it moves into another sign. It does that 12 times in a year. Its like our calendar that we use everyday here on earth. 30 days in the month and 12 months in the year. As above in the sky, so below here on earth. So when someone asks you the question, “What’s your sign?” You will have a better idea of what the question is all about.
These signs have names. One name that I think of is the sign of Virgo. Born August 23rd through September 22nd. They share a wonder of their sign, which is to analyze. Another sign, the Gemini, Born May 21st through June 20th, they share the wonder to think. Although every person on earth utilizes their mind to think and every person on earth has been in situations where they had to analyze something before making a decision. These two signs specialize in doing these things in order to operate, focus, adapt and move forward in life in a special way or wonderous way.
Allow me to try to show you what I mean by using the terms “special way or wonderous way.”
This is the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Knowledge.
Aquarian signs share the wonder to know. Aquarians are born January 20 through February 18th. People sometime say to the aquarian, “you think you know everything,” or they say, “you know a lot.” or there may be a situation where they ask the aquarian these words.”How do you know or how did you know about something?” They may even say to the aquarian. “You do not know anything.” These people may say to others when the aquarian is not around,“They think they know soooo much.”
The special way or wonderous way that people bring the topic of the term, “to know” towards an aquarian is a wonder, because that is the aquarians specialty, to know. In many situations the aquarian is meeting the person for the very first time. These people who speak of the aquarian may not know about the signs. Yet they still approach the aquarian with the topic that I am speaking of, to know.
When we say Wonders of Signs, we mean that all people are amazing wonders. We here at Wonders of Signs hope that the information you find on this site helps you in your life.
(Continue below to Solar Return Example)
Solar Return Example
When you were born, the sun and the planets were positioned in various areas in the sky. These positions help make the story of your life.
When you become old enough to travel and celebrate your birthday, you may decide to go on a trip somewhere in the world. The place that you are visiting for your birthday will consist of angles of the sun and planets that help make the new story for your year. The new story that you receive for the year will start at the exact minute and exact degree when the sun returns to the same exact area in the sky that it was when you were born. It may return the day before your actual birthday, on your actual birthday, or the day after your birthday. This is a Solar Return. If you are not traveling for your birthday you will still receive a new story for your birthday year no matter where you are, even if you stay home.
A story for your year relating to the Birthday Solar Return Report can consist of a multitude of information about your career, your progress, your reputation, how you are received by others, obstacles and challenges, home issues, business interactions, relationships, health, your emotional state, when problems may occur, how to better deal with those issues, family issues, work issues, financial issues that can arise around a certain day or week. All this information and more can be found inside our unique Birthday Solar Return Report.
The Report forecasts the entire year so you can be aware of situations relating to many issues that directly relate to you.